Notice of Construction The Ministry of Transportation has awarded the contract 2016-3027 to Harold Sutherland Construction Ltd. for the construction of HWY 6/21 from 0.3 km West of Grey Road 18 to 0.1 km East of 9th Avenue and construction & rehabilitation of the Pottawatomi Bridge. This assignment includes Grading, Drainage, Granular Base, Hot Mix Paving, Electrical, and structural rehabilitation and related operations. Construction activities will commence in May 2017 with an estimated completion date of June 2018. Occasionally there could be delays due to single lane traffic. Please drive with caution. For additional information, please contact: Noveen Engineering Inc. Tel: (519) 371-0303, Fax: (519) 371-0300, Or, Harold Southerland Construction Ltd. Tel: (519) 376-5698, For General Road Information, please contact the Ministry of Transportation, toll free, 24 hours a day at: 1-800-268-4686.