NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT Under the Class EA for Waterpower Projects And Notice of Public Information Meeting Van Tol Micro Hydro Project Van Tol Enterprises Inc (“ Van Tol ”) is planning to undertake an environmental evaluation and assessment to develop a 0.035 megawatt waterpower facility at 129 Orchardville Side Road, Ayton, Ontario. The project would consist of re-commissioning an existing Barber micro waterpower generating system beside an existing weir. If approved and constructed, this waterpower project would produce approximately 168 MWh of renewable energy annually. The project is subject to the provisions of Ontario Waterpower Association’s “Class Environmental Assessment for Waterpower Projects” (“ Class EA ”). Pursuant to the Class EA, this project is considered to be associated with existing infrastructure. The Class EA requires Van Tol to undertake an evaluation of the project to evaluate its potential effects to the environment (positive and negative) and prepare a detailed Environmental Study Report (“ ESR ”). The project may require the review and approval under the Lakes and Rivers Improvement Act and other statutes. This notice and the public consultation process for the project under the Class EA is intended to coordinate and meet the notification requirements relevant to the planning stage of the project under these statutes. The ESR will assess the potential effects of the project on the environment during its construction and operation. Public consultation is an integral component of this process. You are invited to attend a Public Information Meeting. In addition, for information on the project, to raise any issues or concerns or to be placed on the project’s distribution list, contact Van Tol’s agent GreenBug Energy Inc, 1645 Hwy # 3, Delhi, Ontario N4B 2W6; Phone: 519-582-8563 ; Fax: 519-582-2579 : Email: . A Notice of Completion will be provided to Aboriginals communities, agencies and other parties who expressed interest as a result of this Notice of Commencement and who participated in the consultation process. Under the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act and the Environmental Assessment Act, unless otherwise stated in the submission, any personal information such as name, address, telephone number and property location included in a submission will become part of the public record files for this matter and will be released, if requested, to any person.